Developing software confidently knowing business requirements are met!

Our focus

To ensure we write software that meets business requirements first!
Agile Development

Software is not meant to be mapped out from start to finish and written in stone. We believe in Agile Development and having the ability to pivot and take injections as we progress. We operate on a 2 week sprint meeting daily to hash out any blockers and review progress.


During our initial meeting, we sit down with the key stakeholders and identify the business requirements. We then take this back with us and split these into small stories that can be divided into two week sprints to meet the deadline.

Development Process

We create test scenarios for each business rule. Once we have a good coverage of tests, we begin the development process to ensure all tests pass which in turn proves that all business requirements are met.

Continuous Integration

We not only make sure that business rules are met, we ensure they stay met. With continuous integration tools such as Jenkins or TeamCity, we instantly report on any breaking change that a developer commits. This is crucial to ensuring we do not promote code that breaks functionality.

About Us

We create software to fit your needs and ensure they stay met.
Test Driven Development ensures business requirements are met and stay met...

Software Development is not just about releasing code, its about maintaining the code as well. Let's face it, no one writes flawless code.

At TDD Consultants Inc, we believe in writing tests to fit the business requirements before writing any code. This way we ensure that any changes down the road, do not break the fundamental business rules.

We have 20 years of combined experience in development. We have built over 6 enterprise level software in Python, PHP, Java, C++ in a Test Driven Development Setting.

  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Coding
  • Testing

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